The 5 Things to CHECK to Have the Right Team in Place for Future Success

We won’t see business as usual for many years ahead, the markets remain unpredictable and opportunistic and new trends are accelerating. How sure are you that you have the right team in place to sustain and increase your future success?

Companies fail or underperform due to one of 4 areas, Capital, Markets, Technology, or People. CEOs, executives and investors tell us that it’s the ‘People’ side of the business that has the most impact, 60% of the cause of failure and 80% for underperformance. These same executives shared that one area they know the least about is the ‘People’ side. It is the area that they have the least expertise in and spend the smallest percentage of their time on.

Now is a good time to grab a coffee and take 30 minutes to go through the 5 criteria of our GameChanging Leadership CHECKlist™ to see who on your Top Team will standout and where others need your added support.

  • What you are looking for is that they have the proven capability to get the job done in good or bad environments, the heart and passion for what you want them to achieve, have the know-how to get you to the endgame, are a strong fit for the task, role and culture and a keeper executive for the long-term growth of the company.
  • What you are checking for is how they rate in the current business dynamics and how you see them rating in the future and likely performance. It is pretty clear who is going to excel and who is not going to make it.

We hope this information is helpful to demonstrate the IMPACT of GameChanging Leadership on future success. Please contact us and explore here for more information and insights.

GameChanging Leadership CHECKlist™


Peter is one of the founding managing partners of Top Gun Ventures with a focus on executive recruitment and development of GameChanging Leaders, Teams and Organizations and the IMPACT this has on making companies successful. Learn more about Peter.

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