Embracing Unpredictability Can Be Learned

In the turbulent markets ahead, we will need leaders and teams that can embrace unpredictability. Responding rapidly and creatively to assure success. As well as, stepping out of their comfort zone to be more creative, thriving in opportunistic markets and with a passion to energize their team and unleash the latent ingenuity in all of us.

Embracing Unpredictability and Seizing New Opportunities Can Be Learned:

Embracing Uncertainty is not new and can be learned but most teams’ responses today are stuck in a reactive mode versus being proactive.

As well as a needed mindset change, below are examples of new and old tools and those used by special forces, whose purpose is to thrive in unexpected situations. Sharing these with your team is a good way to get the conversation going and how it applies to your tasks ahead:

  • New tools: Nathan Furr’s, Embracing Uncertainty… He offers 4 tools, Reframe – Prime – Do – Sustain to shift you from being on the backfoot responding to unexpected events to having a strategy and plan for uncertainty and seizing new opportunities…
  • Old tools: US Army’s VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). Addressed the mega world changes at the end of the Cold War and how to lead in constantly changing and unpredictable environments. This is relevant today and still taught at colleges and used by many businesses…
  • Special Forces Tools: As Admiral McRaven (the Bullfrog and longest continuously serving active-duty US Navy SEAL) shares, for thousands of years militaries have relied on mottoes, creeds, parables, and stories to inspire, to motivate, and to guide leaders and followers alike. These sayings serve to reinforce certain behaviors. They also provide a memory prompt, a Pavlovian response, and an inspirational surge that helps direct individual actions in the midst of uncertainty. For example, when in command, command – who dares wins – expect what you inspect – communicate, communicate, communicate… What is your business motto to guide your team?

In summary:

As a leader, educating and strengthening your team on its ability to embrace unpredictability and seize new opportunities will inspire the actions to find success in the turbulent markets ahead.

I hope this is helpful and I’m curious to learn how you are embracing unpredictability and seizing opportunities ahead. If you have an interest to explore further, let’s chat.

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