Best ‘Use Cases’ for AI and Employee Engagement

Our research and discussions in the industry suggests that most companies have reported being behind on adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) to drive and accelerate their business growth strategies.

Some are just testing AI out; others are not sure what ‘Use Cases’ are best for AI. Those engaged in AI projects are not sure yet if they will be successful. Regardless of where companies choose to use AI, another issue seems to be getting their employees and teams’ actively engaged to support and drive AI for fear of the change in status-quo or impact on their jobs in the future.

Here is an AI ‘Use Case’ Checklist that we are sharing with our clients and placed GameChanging leaders to help with engagement of employees. The TRIPS AI Checklist has five criteria, Time, Repetition, Importance, Pleasantness, and Sufficient Data.

Checklist – Best ‘Use Cases’ for AI:

Of importance, to the issue of employee and team engagement, is the criterion of Pleasantness, how much do you enjoy the task? The less you enjoy a task the better candidate it is for AI. The creator of the checklist Christopher S. Penn, an AI Thought Leader and Data Detective, says “This is critical for Stakeholder [Employees and Teams] buy-in. Showing stakeholders that they can offload unpleasant tasks is high emotional value.”

We agree, and a small AI project to eliminate unpleasant tasks is a win-win, demonstrating company intent and providing a better baseline of trust to motivate employees and teams’ to get actively behind your bigger AI projects.


If you are curious to know how ‘AI Ready’ you are (beginner, proficient or expert) and to elevate it or how to win new business through hiring ‘AI Ready’ transformative leaders, then let’s chat.


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