Artificial Intelligence (AI) Readiness Survey: Code Red or Frog in Hot Water?


As we look at the priorities for 2024, it’s not just another year; it’s the year when businesses will either surge ahead into the future with Artificial Intelligence (AI) or risk being left behind.

The AI transformation underway is set to redefine how we work, learn and play, making it one of the most significant changes in our lifetimes.  This survey aims to uncover the pulse of business leaders in the face of this transformative wave.

The Critical Essence of AI:

Understanding AI’s significance is paramount.  Dario Amodei of Anthropic emphasizes the breakneck speed at which AI is advancing, while Ivan Ruzic from Corum Group highlights Generative AI as a true disrupter with profound economic and social implications.  Most business leaders would nod in agreement, but the pivotal question is “Whether Boards, CEOs, and Leaders are truly prepared to spearhead innovative and disruptive change at the level and speed demanded by the evolving AI landscape.”

The Challenge of AI Readiness:

Beyond acknowledging the velocity of AI and its disruptive potential, companies must assess their readiness to realize the full potential of AI.  It’s not just about technology; it’s about the people side of the business.  The need of the hour is to have ‘AI Transformation Ready’ Leaders and Teams in place.  Yet, how many companies have honed the corporate competency of ‘fast change’ or ‘transformation,’ essential in the swift-paced AI era? Additionally, how many companies will be able to develop the level of AI expertise needed within the current workforce and timeframes demanded?

This is not easy, if companies fall short on the technology, solutions, and people development side they will need to acquire ‘Innovation’ and ‘AI expertise’ externally.  Then, fundamentally, the challenge shifts to identifying and attracting ‘AI Transformation Ready Leaders.’ These being Leaders with a trifecta of competencies: functional expertise, specific AI knowledge, and a proven record of leading AI-Driven innovative, iterative, and disruptive change.


  1. Functional Expertise: The necessary CEO/C-Level/VP competencies and track record of success
  1. AI Knowledge: Specific AI expertise and know-how for the company’s chosen solutions
  1. Leaders of Change: Executives that bring proven successes at leading AI-Driven iterative, innovative, and disruptive levels of change to make it all happen and deliver on the company’s chosen growth strategies

AI Readiness Survey – ‘Code Red’ or ‘Frog in Hot Water’:

As such, I’m curious to know if you feel that your company is responding sufficiently enough to the potential threat of AI and embracing its full potential.

I have picked two ‘AI Readiness’ extremes for you to consider, from the way Google responded to their ‘Code Red’  following OpenAI’s launch of ChatGPT being the best to the obliviousness of a ‘Frog in Hot (AI) Water’ being the worst.

Please select the answer below that you feel your company is closest to overall and email or text your response to or +1 972 977 4000.

In Summary:

Don’t miss the opportunity to be a part of this crucial exploration.  Your input will be collated with responses from other business leaders, providing valuable insights into the collective AI readiness landscape.

The results will be shared, offering a comparative analysis to guide us all in preparing for, and getting in front of, the fast-moving AI-Driven transformation ahead.

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